Dating someone with tourettes

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If the situation is appropriate, a hug can work miracles. Social tics is something that can eat a person up inside. Is there a way you could put on white noise or wear headphones. The chef has Tourette's. You can probably charm anyone — just give yourself the chance. Here is the best way to find someone to file with and understands what you are going through. Some people just wish they could walk down the sidewalk without getting odd stares or cruel comments. I hate the awkward silences because that is when the Tourette's really wants to come out.

Tourette's Syndrome: A neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities. My physical tics are worse than my vocal ones. I often twitch my head, upper body, and hands. Sometimes I have really bad ones where I have to spin after every three steps, but those thankfully don't stick around very long. There is a medication that lessens the frequency of the tics doesn't rid them completely , but the weight gain associated with this medication is excessive to the point where it's not worth it. Well, friends of mind act like they have tourette's, but they are medically perfectly fine. It's just like if you would be friends with someone that has a speech impediment or something. It's just something you were born with and can't really get rid of easily. I guess I would be embarrassed at first or unsure because I haven't met anyone with tourettes before. My wife's family have people with mild forms of Autism, which is pretty difficult as well to deal with. But they are really cool and really smart and can still function in social aspects surprisingly. So It's all about understanding what you have and then once that's out of the way, it's seeing if you are a cool person to hang out with or that we don't get along because we are too different people and our personalities don't mesh. But I wouldn't let a for lack of a better word disability of any kind or level change my relationship with a person or determine my relationship with a person. Besides, you seem like a pretty cool chick and by your pics you have, it doesn't seem like it's set you back much either. Sure, I'd befriend someone with Tourette's Syndrome. At first, it might seem a little different to me, or just like another person's mannerisms to get used to. I haven't had experience with this, but it should be fine. Huh, the medication involves weight gain. Weird how pills work. I thought of this: It's the opening night to their restaurant. The chef has Tourette's. So, I think it's exagerated and comedic. Less than 10% of us with it even have that symptom, if you've seen the research. It's just glorified by the media. That's why I don't tell many people. Most of the people who do have that rare symptom don't have it to an extreme degree, or so I've read. He's another with TS, and his words are very helpful and comforting. I saw the movie based on his book and it changed my life. I must say, my TS was much worse in childhood. It started subsiding when I started becoming involved with music kept my hands and head busy, since I played the viola. Now that I'm in college, it's started getting worse and I've developed new tics, but it's not too bad.

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